Killing Frost

The Killing Frost is the first life-ending freezing of the season due to frost. It clinches the deal on autumn and ushers in the energy of winter. Green foliage gives way to white tipped death.

Death however, like crystalline frost, is pure power. It is not the gentle comma of fall, but the abrupt period at the end of a seasonal sentence.

In Alaska, we are given a heads up that this is coming in that we can see it a long way off. We have ‘Termination Dust’, that is, the first visible fresh snowfall on the mountainsides. We see this begin at the top of the mountain, and hold fast as it silently strides down the mountain toward sea level. When the termination dust settles upon the elevation that we each live, winter has come to us. And, like the finality of death, there’s no turning back from the stillness of winter.

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I mention these terms because they have magickal significance to offer. Just as a first kiss and first sexual coupling are energetically powerful, so are first frost and first snow.

Killing frost and termination dust are literally the kiss of death. They come quietly like thieves in the night and take the last of the living with them. As they settle in and we wake, we register a new purity, an energetic cleansing. We can literally smell the change in the air and notice that the slate has once again been swept clean. We are at ground zero, and neat enough, this usually occurs in our area around Samhain, so it’s doubly potent for us here on the Kenai Peninsula.

I mention these things because in the autumn we pagans begin downshifting toward our season of introspection. While we may or may not realize the specific things or ideas in our lives that need to be called, we best be thoughtful and heed the strength of the Killing Frost.

The waters from the first frost and first snow are very, very powerful. They are dark moon in their core. The inherent energies of the element of water stand on their own, but when changing phases and seasons they seem to shift octaves. When we take this souped-up water element and bring it together with our magickal intent combined & our own spiritual energy, incredible results will occur. They literally have to.

So, heed this witch tip- collect the frost from the killing frost. Scrape it into a sterile jar and drop a smidge of alcohol in it to preserve it (ice vodka anyone?). Killing frost is technically any frost which kills, so I’d guess that collecting all of your first frosts up to the point when all seasonal greenery is fully dead as a direct result of them would work as well, but the first is the most potent by far. Grab as much as you can because you won’t be able to collect another batch of for another year. As you can imagine, Killing Frost is more difficult to collect in abundance than Termination Dust, so be set up beforehand.


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To grab Termination Dust collect up the first snow as it first begins snowing. Be mindful that snow will melt to @ 20% it’s original volume roughly, so you’ll need five jars worth of snow to make a jar of snow water. Use these sacred and ultra strength fresh waters in spellwork which deals with endings. Not all Killing Frost or Termination Dust occurs on a dark moon of course, so you’d do good to notice the moon phase that you collected these that is what you’re waters are also inherently attuned to as well. The first of the first snow is Termination Dust, and the rest of the new snow has a tinge of new moon/beginnings energies to them, so best to bear that in mind. (New snow could similarly be collected for new beginnings..)

These waters are guaranteed for one year & are automatically great for any dark moon magick. They can be incorporated into any working which aims to end habits, circumstances, or even bind someone.

Happy Reeving,

       Peninsula Pagan

Celestial Syzygy

We’ve already posted about eclipses before, but here’s the stats for the July 27, 2018 total lunar eclipse and a brief refresher on it’s energetic impacts:

It will NOT be visible from our area, but that doesn’t change it’s energetic impact upon us. It will occur late in the evening on the other side of the planet, but for those of us on the Kenai Peninsula of Alaska, it will occur late morning thru early afternoon.

This particular eclipse will be the longest total lunar eclipse in the 21st century. The event will last about four hours (from 10:18 am thru 2:22 pm AST) and the totality will last approximately 103 minutes (11:30am -1:13pm). The next TLE will be January 20, 2019 and will be viewable from our location. The occur infrequently and so are an opportunity not to miss.

My personal take on TLE’s is that they’re a great time to work with the crone aspect, any of the Dark Goddesses (Hecate, The Morrigan…), a good time to do intuitional work, and ideal for dark magick. The new/waxing/full/waning lunar energies are all lumped into the same moment, so one essentially works with all aspects of the moon phases at once, making any working more powerful.

I’m including additional snippets of info on TLE energies below from other sources for those interested.

Thanks for reading!!

~Peninsula Pagan

“…an eclipse only takes place during the full moon phase of the lunar cycle, so this is a good time to do rituals focused on personal growth and spiritual development. Some examples could include, but are not limited to:

  • Spells related to increasing your intuitive awareness and psychic ability, as well as divination and wisdom.
  • Healing magick or rituals, particularly those that tie in to women’s mysteries or reproductive health.
  • Any working related to developing your magical skills.
  • Rituals that honor lunar Gods/Goddesses–now is a really good time to make an offering to them!
  • Healing magick or rituals, particularly those that tie in to women’s mysteries or reproductive health.
  • Rituals that connect you closely with deity, such as Drawing Down the Moon, or other spell work designed to invoke the god or goddess of your tradition.

Finally, remember that even if an eclipse is taking place where you can’t see it–it’s raining, there’s a cloud cover, or you’re just stuck inside for some reason–you can still take advantage of its power and energy. It’s out there and it’s happening, so make the most of it and use it to your own benefit.


Also of merit:

“Many magic-users consider the lunar energy during the time of a lunar eclipse to be particularly potent. There are a few different ways of considering this energy.

It can be said that the moon during an eclipse embodies the energy of every phase of the moon. You begin with a full moon and the Earth’s shadow begins to cover it and it wanes before your eyes until it goes dark (or rather red) and then the new moon’s sliver appears and the moon wanes to full again. Thus, you have all of the energy of every moon phase all at once, or in the amount of time it takes for the eclipse to complete. This makes the period of a total eclipse an excellent time for a multi-part spell that will utilize the energy of both the waxing and the waning moon.

Another way of looking at the energy of the eclipse is to consider the energies of the Earth, Moon and Sun in alignment. The moon is reflecting the energy of both the sun and the Earth back to you as it approaches totality.

When working with the energy of the lunar eclipse, it is important to consider the timing. The start and end date for an eclipse will differ based on your location and an eclipse can last a few hours so a quick internet search for your local start and end times is in order when you are planning a ritual.”


Month of Lunar Magick

Solar fireworks may have had your attention for 2017, but thankfully we’re on to bigger and better things.  If you reflect, you will observe that 2016 was about learning what needs to go while 2017 was your opportunity to physically experience what needs to go. It’s been a deep plunge into our fears and subsequently a means bringing them to the surface to be healed.  This leaves us crystal clear in 2018 what needs to change if we’re going to survive ourselves, and it is fully intended that we make these powerful sweeping changes this year.  It’s huge.  For you, for me, for the Goddess, for all of us. We’re in it together after all.  It’s quite the challenge and is the year or sink or swim.  Please note the Goddess is offering us all a helping hand.  You’ll note her theme for this month especially is GO BIG OR GO HOME.  Thankfully, she has our @&*#! covered in the way only a big mama can.

2018 begins with a Full Super Moon on night of the the 1st/2nd, and another Full Super Moon on the 31st.  Having two full moons in the same month makes the second a Blue Moon.  While these are incredible opportunities in their own right, the 31st offers us a Total Lunar Eclipse (making the moon appear red, called a Blood Moon) as well.  You will find that she will revisit with another TLE on July 27 to break trail for you again to help bolster you through the end of the year (hint: don’t waste her time or your opportunity) as we are likely going to be needing it.  You’ll note the solar eclipses all take a back seat to her this year.  They are only present, seemingly, to add a bit of backseat masculine chatter in her wake (Feb 15, July 13, Aug 11; each is only partial and further, we won’t be able to witness any of them from our locale).  Solar eclipses always occur @ 2 weeks before or after a lunar eclipse.  The important nugget to remember as far as eclipses go, is that solar eclipses challenge your logic and your authority in your life, while a lunar eclipse will challenge your emotional readiness for a change.  You can observe the parallels from these astronomical events as they manifest in your physical life.  Don’t believe me?  Keep a journal.

Are you ready to experience the fullness of the power of the Goddess? January of this month is your best opportunity for quite some time. Let’s unpack all of this.

 wolf moon
  lupus lunas maximus


Jan 1 Super Moon, is the biggest full moon of the year. As a reminder, astronomically speaking a super moon is a full moon which occurs at moon’s closest to earth in it’s elliptical orbit (perigree).  This makes it appear bigger (by @ 20% compared to apogee), and because of it’s increased proximity to us causes greater influence on us, the tides, and our magick.  As it is the first full moon of the year it is called the Wolf Moon- this year’s happens to be a Super Moon as well.  Super Moons occur only a few times a year. Full moons of course are empowering times for witches, as we use them for meditation, energy healing, chakra clearing and recharging our energy fields.  Doing any energy work or healing work during a super moon creates greater strength and depth because every effort (good or bad) is amplified.  Your efforts will be magnified because the lunar influence is more pure.

Super Moons thus are a great manifestation tool, a great time to meditate, receive visions or connect with your guides, perfect for sending healing or blessings to yourself or others (idea: purge your emotional closet and allow the moon to shine illumination into every crevice that needs healed and allow it to occur in the moment), ideal for supercharging your crystals or making potent moon water (tip: capitalize by storing SM energy in something special to be used later), connect powerfully with the Goddess (see insert below for my BOS version of the Valiente Charge of the Goddess…snag a copy if you like), and is an optimum time for doing some serious spell work.  Lastly, worthy of note, is that you’re likely to need to make a special point to ground, as the super moon can heighten your sensitivity up to tenfold.  Get that root anchored (for me this involves red wine & dark chocolate).  Remember the Goddess is blessing us WITH TWO OF THESE THIS MONTH!!!!  DAAAAAAAYYUUUM GIIIIRRRLL!



Blue Moons occur only once every two or three years and are technically defined as the second full moon of any given month.  Some witches find them to be as, if not more, powerful than the prior full moon of the month.  This particular Blue Moon is also a Super Moon. As you can tell, the Goddess is done messing around.  She expects us to utilize these gifts she’s offering and we’d better listen.  She won’t be offering this type of hand out again for a long time.  Whatever vestiges of hang-ups you didn’t clear on the 1st will be dealt with this evening.  If you got all of your own homework done, then capitalize on this time by helping your other beloveds out and throw in for them.

The Blue Moon is a great time for making occur something that is improbable but not impossible because it offers an extra kick.  Blue Moons are like full moon’s on steroids…much more so than any SM by far. (As an extra bonus, we actually have a second Blue Moon in 2018, on March 31..a mathematical improbability and definitely something to mark in bold in your calendar as well…as it won’t happen again until 2037.)  You may want to use the Blue Moon on the 31st for something particularly significant because this one is also happens to be a Super Moon.  The veil is as thin during a Blue Moon as it is on Beltaine and Samhain, so it’s definitely time to get your game on and offer your deep gratitude to everyone and everything you can muster… it’s a great time to honor your deities or decendants.  We won’t get another Blue Moon until mid 2020.  By my math, we won’t have the opportunity to experience another Super Blue Moon for 13 years.



As if two full moons, two super moons, and one blue moon weren’t enough, the Goddess is the gift that keeps on giving. There’s also a Total Lunar Eclipse this month.. which thus offers us a BLOOD MOON. This is the first Blue Total Lunar Eclipse Moon to occur in 150 years.  Mathing it out, it’s a Super Blue Blood Moon.  Say it again slowly to yourself until it sinks in.  Succinctly put, if there’s anything in your way and you’re on your game, it’s going to get knocked out of the park.  Actively participate in it for you, for everyone and everything you love, as your direct impact will last the next seven and a half generations.

crazy tit

A total lunar eclipse occurs only when the earth is directly between the sun and the moon in perfect alignment and can only happen on a full moon.  There wasn’t one in 2017, there are two this year (they most often occur in pairs) and we’ve only only one in 2019.  The moon appears to take on a red hue, which is simply a reflection of millions of equivalent sunrises on Earth.  During lunar eclipses a witch will experience her insecurities and it’s important to WILL changes to re-frame them (“I am open and perfectly prepared for these changes, and I embrace them with love and optimism”).

An eclipse offers an experience of exquisite stillness that can be unnerving and cause a feeling of uncertainty.  Think of it as a cosmic pause between heart beats or between breaths, the magickal practitioner will notice it as having a similar sensation to that felt within a magick circle.  This is experienced most fully when the moon is fully within the Earths’s umbra (shadow) during the period of totality.  The Totality will occur for a whopping one hour and 16 minutes during this particular event.  An total eclipse is a moment of ‘time beyond time, space beyond space’ I invite you to utilize your other states of being and the guidance of your unseen allies to shift things for your benefit. Often phychic development and women’s mysteries are great themes for this event.

Magick performed during a lunar eclipse combines the power of the full AND new moons simultaneously, thus invokes the Triple Goddess in each of her forms.  Consider carefully any craft work prior to the working by taking extra precaution beforehand to be impeccable in your reiving and being explicit in your phrasing.  You are expected to use the precision of the Crone during this time if you’re going to participate, as working during an eclipse is considered ‘advanced’ work and you have roughly an hour to raise, focus and release the working completely as we cram a full moon cycle into a few hours.  You can focus on what it is you want as the moon passes into darkness, build energy, release it as the moon begins to return, and bring it manifest as the moon returns to full.  As a practitioner is wise to utilize blue during a blue moon, some of us will work blood magick this blood moon.


If you don’t know what you’re doing, then simply don’t do craft work during an eclipse. Instead, you can participate by simply grounding, centering, shielding and meditating to benefit from the eclipse in a positive way.  For example, as the moon wanes during the eclipse, you could focus on getting rid of your blocks and as it waxes back to full you could focus on increasing your psychic skills. There are many ways to approach this and what feels most correct to you intuitively is what you should do.  But I do highly suggest that you participate either way. Here is the gist and the times for our local area:

eclipse datajan 31

       Jan 31 metaphysical bonus round: total duration of the eclipse is 5 hrs 17 mins, while totality lasts 1 hr 16 mins


January 2018 is a stunning display of the magnitude of growth and change can occur when the Goddess leads.  2018 looks to be the year of feminine re-empowerment and my guess is that we’re all more than ready for much more of that. This rising is synonymous with magickal creation.  I’m happy to say goodbye to 2017 much like I would endeavor to scrap dog poo off the bottom of my shoe.  I’m ready for 2018 and lining up to capitalize on the gifts Goddess bestowed.  I hope this article has helped you to focus in on the opportunities presented you this month.  May all of your workings be blessed in 2018.


-The Peninsula Pagan


PS reminders: Jan 31 super Blue Blood, Feb 15 partial solar eclipse, March 31 Blue Moon,  July 13 partial solar eclipse, July 27 total lunar eclipse, Aug 11 partial solar eclipse